The secret friend game

The secret friend game is a game that we play through all the week.
On the first day everyone had to write their own name on a small piece of paper. These papers were mixed and then everybody picked up a paper. The name which was written on your paper was then your "secret friend". The task is to write a letter to this person every day. This letter you put to our special letterbox in the diningroom and every evening at dinner the letters are handed out. It is important not to sign the letter with your name, because your secret friend should not know who is writing to him/her. Besides writing a letter it is also possible to do something else to make your secret friend happy. You can for example ask another person of the group to give a massage to your secret friend or to sing a song for him/her. The sense behind this game is to make your secret friend feel happy and comfortable during the meeting. On the last evening, at the intenational dinner, the game will be solved. For that everybody should prepare a little present for their secret friend. Then one person of the group starts and goes to his/her secret friend and tells "Hey, I was your secret friend!" and hands out the present. This person continues and goes to his/her own secret friend and so on, till everybody knows, which person was writing to them.

By Fabian and Mareike from Germany

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